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Prep Properly
In addition to exfoliating with a loofah or body scrub (avoid an oil-based product because it will interfere with your tan), we recommend shaving your legs immediately before self-tanning. While this may cause a little stinging upon self-tanner application (look for a formula designed for sensitive skin), shaving exfoliates the skin just a bit more, and if you skip shaving for a day or two after tanning you’ll be able to enjoy your golden glow longer.
Tan at Night
Nothing helps you face the day like waking up with a gorgeous golden glow! Tanning before bed is the easiest way to avoid that self-tanner smell (since you’re sleeping after all), and then you can wash off the temporary bronze colour so it doesn’t stain your clothes. We also recommend sleeping without clothes on to prevent any streaks in case you get a little sweaty. Also keep an extra set of “tanning sheets” on hand as not to stain your Pratesi!
Use Bronze Buffer in the Shower
Since you’re already naked and there’s plenty of water, you can touch-up any uneven colour, refine common problem spots like elbows and knees, or tone down areas where you applied too much tanner. The sponge’s “points” are ideal for small spots like between fingers and toes, or small mistakes that require precise removal so good colour stays intact. We advise using Bronze Buffer when prepping for your next tan to eliminate any spotty colour before you go back for more!
Wax Before you Tan
If you don’t the wax before you tan it’ll completely remove your tan leaving you white and patchy! 
Try a Few Tanners (and get samples when you can!)
The skin’s pH varies from person to person, so colour can develop differently on different people. Sometimes it takes a little trial and error to find the perfect product for your skin, so don’t give up on self-tanning if it doesn’t come out right the first time.
Alicia Joy