Whether you wake yourself up snoring or it is the rest of the family who are affected, snoring is extremely anti social. The problem with many snorers is they either deny or claim there is nothing they can do about it. This articles focuses on the latter and below you will find seven easy ways to implement changes you can make to help you stop snoring.
Buy an Anti-Snoring Device
There are so many of these on the market that nobody can say there isn’t one suitable for them! Anti snoring devices are big business, and it has to be said most are bought by the long suffering families of snorers rather than the snorers than themselves! There have been great reports of these devices and the effects they have on snoring, so you have nothing to lose but your family have everything to gain.
Lose Weight
We all know how losing weight can greatly benefit your health but snoring is rarely mentioned as one of them. You have to breathe differently when you are overweight and this is turn can lead to a serious snoring problem.
Stop Drinking at Bedtime
If you enjoy a night cap for bed of the alcoholic variety then chances are you are a snorer. While you many feel it relaxes you and induces a deep sleep it also relaxes everything else and puts you into that deep snoring sleep. Switch to cocoa or a malted drink and see what difference it makes.
Make Sure There are no Medical Problems
There are several medical reasons which could be behind your snoring so a trip to the docs to check this out should be the first thing you do. Problems with sinuses and soft palates are often main contributors to snoring and can be easily fixed.
Bring a Humidifier into the Bedroom
Dry air very often equals intensified snoring. As the dry air in turn dries out your nasal membranes and throat is can cause congestion which in turn results in restricted air movement, your tissues start vibrating and you end up with a severe snoring problem. As moving to an exotic and tropical location is not within most people’s budget the acquisition of a humidifier to add moisture to the air while you sleep will work just as well, and is obviously a lot cheaper.
Going up in the World
Sleeping flat can cause the tongue to fall to the back of the throat, further exacerbating a snoring problem. This can be easily remedied by raising the head of the bed by about 4-6 inches as this stops the tongue falling back. This is one of the quickest and easiest remedies for reducing snoring and with the bed being risen by such a small amount it doesn’t make you feel as if you are sleeping on a slope either.
Keep the Dust Mites at Bay
Dust mites, pet hairs, dander are all lurking in your bedroom. Even though you may not have your pets in the bedroom transference via clothes is very easily done. There will be those reading this now thinking “this doesn’t apply to me I don’t have allergies” but it’s not as easy as that. When you are asleep whatever is in the air is inhaled while you breathe and can irritate and compromise the airways resulting in snoring. Even if you have the best vacuum in the world you should increase the amount of times you use it in the bedroom and also check and replace those filters more often.