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Spiritualise your cleaning routine and create sacred space with the brand new book, The Yoga of Cleaning by Jennifer Carter Avgerinos. Take off your rubber gloves forever. The frequently overlooked factor is that the home itself can be a source of discomfort, rather than the sanctuary that it should be. The Yoga of Cleaning is thought-provoking – for starters, we need to understand that everything is connected. Living a healthy life doesn’t stop with exercising on a regular basis and getting the right diet. We need to stop bombing our homes with chemicals that degrade our health. We need to stop letting our stuff own us and we need to find a little mental space somewhere in our very busy lives to just breathe.

The Yoga of Cleaning book - the clothes maiden

Your home is not living up to its fullest potential if you don’t view it as an extension of yourself. The Yoga of Cleaning will show you how to clean naturally. Studies have shown that a neat, clean and organised home can actually lower Cortisol levels (in women anyway). There is a clear connection between cleaning and well-being. You do not need to practice yoga to read this book either. When you’re finished with this guide, you will find yourself caring for your body, your home and you’ll find inspiration to create a little bit of sanctuary in your life. This book is for anyone who wants to claim their life (mind, body and spirit) and their space.

With this book you will understand how each room in your house relates to your body in an energetic (chakra) way. When you clean the kitchen for instance, you are connecting, clearing and opening energetic blocks to your heart centre. Cleaning the bathroom will help you open your solar plexus centre and so on. The Yoga of Cleaning is an invitation to spiritualise your cleaning routine and create sacred space in your home versus merely performing mundane tasks in a way that serves no one. This can be done by giving your cleaning tasks your full attention and staying present in the moment- becoming one with everything that you focus your awareness on.  This new way of viewing our chores brings a higher vibration to us and to everything that we do.

Avery Parker

Click here to purchase your copy of The Yoga of Cleaning – An Essential Guide.