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‘Of Trying Times’ is not about lamenting bad hard times and tough situations. The label started because of a dejected 20-something year-old, Pixie T. A fresh graduate with plenty of ambitions, she found it difficult to stay inspired when her job hunt led a series of disappointing experiences. During one of her weekly visit to the craft store, she found herself with a box of polymer clay at check-out. Intrigued by the versatile material, she channelled her anxiety into creating with her hands.

Amado Gudek x Of Trying Times - The Clothes Maiden

Taking inspiration from her own experiences, it seeks to redirecting negative energy from bad days into creation, picking one-self up after each setback. Browsing through the collection of items at Of Trying Times is akin to taking a peek into her personal diary, with each collection revealing a different chapter of her life and her anxiety of being twenty. Most recently Of Trying Times collaborated with another fun jewellery brand, Amado Gudek. Amado Gudek and Of Trying Times come together to explore the possibilities of giving seemingly banal and broken objects a new life. Amado Gudek’s pieces are handcrafted in Singapore using environment-friendly bioresins and other mixed media.

Lina Ayers

View more from the Amado Gudek x Of Trying Times collection by clicking here