Hixsept S/S’13: Variations Stephanie AndersonMay 7, 20131 viewsdesignFashionmenswearStyle0 Comments1 views If we woke up being a guy in the morning, the first thing would be to get all over this label Hixsept. We’ve actually spent five minutes of our life this morning wishing we could pull boy clothes off, because this collection entitled Variations is a breath of fresh air. Hixsept L’oiseau gris was created in France in 1999 by Aurélien Arbet and Jérémie Egry. These men’s collections are created around unique themes that are drawn from the sensitivity of their creators, from the places they have been to, and the people they have met. Each collection for this creative duo is a new beginning, starting all over again. Click here to shop the collection.
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