Thank you Kameron Lee for honoring this interview. The world would like to know everything about you including what you did before getting into the film industry?
Thank you for having me. My name is Kameron Lee (Limen N) and I started off as a musician/producer and a poet who has now grown into a fine artist. I wrote directional and societal songs that carry messages and actions. With those songs, I won awards internationally from Nigeria to Bulgaria in 1997 as a teenager while representing my country for the international Scout-Jamboree under the Sing-and-Dance category. In June of 2003, while on my musical-Album’s fundraiser trail into the Sahara Desert via Libya through the Mediterranean sea into Lampedusa, Italy. It was a great but harsh experience. On my way back from this journey, I was ambushed by Chadian rebels in Faya Largeau, a neighbouring city that was at the heat of war with (Koufra) Libya back then.
I became a prisoner of war and watched five fellow travellers getting killed by man and nature. After I got hit at the back of my head with the butt of an AK47 in the heart of a midday June 100 Degrees desert heat on a windy and sloppy sand dune, I needed urgent medical attention but was rather abandoned after my gold necklaces, money and a Rolex-copy which I bought from Dubai was taken by the rebels to be sold for gin and drugs.
I started paying homage to myself when I knew my life was over. I was face to face with death and couldn’t see any living thing around me but a scorpion leaving his prints on the wind-transforming-sand. Seeing that, I took out a piece of paper, and struggled to write down my story as detailed as I could. My hope was that, If I had died in that desert, someone, somewhere would find my notes and probably my family would be able to know what happened to me, but, something happened, one of the rebels came back and secretly carried my unconscious body to a nearby MEDICINE SANS FRONTIERS MEDICAL post around the war zone in Faya after he saw my music video on MTV when in fact, I never featured in any music videos then. That’s how I got saved and From that day on, the memories of what happened kept popping on my mind and it felt so real and I kept watching a movie of my life in my head as I managed to jot those moments down in a piece of paper, which caught people’s and media attention and finally became a 350 page book and a screenplay titled “The Homeless Billionaire.” That is how I became a writer and since then, I have written over 10 acclaimed powerful screenplays and I get better with time and still getting polished in film school on a Master of Fine Art in Film and Television production journey.
It sounds like you have been writing for a long time?
Yes, I have over 13 years of experience.
What have you been doing with these works?
Life is about opportunity and preparation. My ideas are consider being very heavy and for as long as I have been preparing them, I never felt ready to bring them out like I feel today. I don’t know if it is because of my current film producing experience as aided by my film school education or maybe because it is time to bring my works to the world. Whichever one, I am now ready and confident to make it happen.
Tell us about your most recent project:
In fact, I have two projects I am working on at the same time, “THE WORLD IN THE WALL” A movie on life after war by veterans with PTSD and “THE BLUE SHADE” a movie on domestic violence and human trafficking. These movies were both written in 2005 and 2007 respectively as pros (novels) with feature length screenplays and now being presented as short films to financiers.
What can you say about your current project in terms of the quality of production?
I can’t blow my own trumpet, but the reviews from both movies are just great. They are already getting so much attention and endorsement.
What was the budget for both films and who are the people behind these projects?
Sincerely, I would proudly tell you that we had no budget for both movies, but I now believe that “the most beautiful things in the world are for free.” That said, I am blessed with beautiful people around me. People who believe in me and have been there even when everything was proving impossible. I am talking about people like Juanita Gates and Michael Goggins who were both there when I first brought out my screenplay a few years back and when I turn around right now, I still see Juanita Gates with passion that burns hotter each passing day. Juanita surprised me with her performance in the BLUE SHADE MOVIE. She did put in her all. That is what I am talking about. Those are things I can’t pay for even if I had a budget for the movie. Along the line Came Omovueme Emasealu, he is a partner and a brother and a producer on my projects. Without Omo, things wouldn’t be the same. He is a hearty game changer and a critical thinker.
When things seem to go negatively at times, how do you turn things into something positive? For instance, what’s your production experience with the BLUE SHADE MOVIE?
BLUE SHADE MOVIE has been a blessing. At a certain point, delay and confusion was evident until Diezie Ivan Sahn came in for my audition alongside a great mind, JASPER THOMAS (producer and CEO of 444-film group.) Jasper emerged as a brother and became one. Jasper is an answering machine. He has worked on BLUE SHADE THE MOVIE diligently and has seen it through its trials and tribulations. As I speak, we’re about to knock out our last scenes but we have lost all of our Cameras during the wrap of our last shoot. They are nowhere to be found, but Jasper is there to keep the train moving. While I was busy worrying, Omo emerged with other Cameras despite him owning one of the missing cameras. I have a great team.
What Character in the BLUE SHADE MOVIE do you think surprised you as in performance?
My entire cast is a blessing, they are all super talented and unique in their roles and they all played so well. I can’t and won’t complain on any of their performances. However, SHADEY the lead role that is being played by Kelly Azia was my only worry at the time, but it so happened that, She over-delivered. Azia is such a talent, which I am proud to have worked with.
How did you break into Hollywood?
My first Hollywood set experiences were in 2008 in Cape Town South Africa on the 10 000 BC and 24 movie sets where I worked with talented Art Directors but kept preaching about my wealth of experience as a screenwriter. Through such sets, I started getting unsatisfied batter offers for the production of my stories which I declined severally because less talented people were bringing money in exchange of lead roles which is ridiculous to me. That is why I have worked hard to get to where I am today.
Does anyone in particular influence your talent?
A lot of people influence my talent, both small and big names, but Will Smith is my film-business model. He’s most of the things I am about.
What do you attribute to your drive as a Writer/Director?
My background as an African who was brought up with the Cameroonian, Nigerian and South African cultures give me an unrivalled drive, inspiration and power to write and direct stories as never before seen or imagined in the world.
As a director, how would you define success?
I will always say that, success is hard work in sacrifice with commitment to the right engagement. Hard-work is the only way!
What are your plans for the near future?
I have started production and plan on bringing to the world the fruits and evidences of my long years of hard-work and sacrifice, by telling compelling stories in the greatest moments in time on Ultra HD motion pictures.
Do you have any inspiring tips for anyone out there who wants to follow in your footsteps?
Every moment in life is a valuable lesson that can make you or break you depending on how you manage the situation. It pays to be laughed at sometimes. To be mocked at because of your dreams, to be hated, but remember not to stop being passionate and keep talking about your dreams until that right audience/persons listen to you. So, surround yourself with good people if not you must have been/will be chasing the wind for a long time.
If you could work with anyone in the world, either dead or alive, who would it be and why?
James Francis Cameron is a senior mind, which I would love to work with. His writing, producing and directing style has a rapport with me. There are many more great people I would enjoy working with.
Thank you so much Mr. Kameron for taking time out with us today and we look forward to the part II of the interview!
The pleasure is all mine. Anytime.
The Editorial Team
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