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This brand hasn’t even launched yet, but we’re counting down the days when Auren goes live! Created for the style conscious individual, Auren embodies an aspirational sense of elegance and originality. These designs are daring, eclectic and playful, influences for the pieces are derived from a range of sources including the heterogeneous Art Deco era of the 1920s juxtaposed with the soft, organic forms of the natural world and the intricate geometric art of ancient Greece. 
The designer also looked at Autonomy and ‘magic in maths’ for some the more complicated pieces and were heavily influenced by Alchemy and Mysticism looking at the fascinating, ancient Ripley Scrolls for inspiration. You’ll find the collection is precious, yet incredibly wearable, offering a sense of affluence and richness. This is just a little preview of what Auren has to offer in the ring department!
Avery Parker
Click here to visit the Auren Jewellery website.