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If you’re looking for next best beauty fix, we think we’ve found it – in the form of OMONO – founded in 1993, this award-winning brand promotes its carefully-researched core Astaxanthin and Collagen powder supplement to their customers all over the world, who are of all ages.


It’s cost-effective as it’s only one serving required per day, and environmentally-friendly, all you need to do to create this miracle is mix 7g of OMONO Astaxanthin and Collagen powder supplement to your favourite drink. Be it coffee, orange juice, fresh milk, you name it; then consume your drink for a refreshing skin result in as little as two weeks.


Combining decades of scientific research, proven formulas and natural ingredients, OMONO manufactures its product in its renowned Japanese laboratory, ensuring top-quality procedures and standards. Looking healthier and much younger takes work, but with thanks to OMONO it’s possible in today’s modern world. 

The brand has received thousands of satisfied customer’s testimonials and feedback, all acknowledging the positive effects that the supplement brings to them. ‘Top science, natural ingredients, made in Japan’- this has always been OMONO’s motto. The beauty brand is growing rapidly since its birth, and till today, still stands firm as the world’s top astaxanthin and collagen beauty supplement provider.

Alicia Joy

Click here to visit the website and begin your incredible skin journey today.