Mr Prints is the exciting brand created by a frolicsome fellow who never knows what to wear. Thankfully, nothing matches in his wardrobe anyway, so he proudly breaks all the fashion rules. However there’s one he can’t help but abide by: to stand out from the crowd sure beats melting into it. Mr Prints is a fun, dynamic brand that doesn’t take life so seriously. This brand wants you to go full out when it comes to mixing up your prints. The wearer isn’t afraid to stand out, nor care what anyone else thinks about them.
The founder of Mr Prints scratches around the globe collecting eye-catching fabrics and patterns that leave his moustache twitching in excitement. Many a bazaar has been ransacked and basket upturned, in a vain attempt to quench his endless obsession to find the best printed fabric around, and he successfully achieves his goal every time.
Each of his pieces are lovingly handmade, created for men and women, they’re authentic and ethically produced, from places where people are free to create with inspiration and joy. The online store stocks a unique variety of stunning sets, to high-waisted trousers. So, if you believe that blue and green should totally be seen, and crazy patterns were made to be mixed, a dashing Prints Charming longs to save you from the evil clutches of drab attire.
Melanie Stockman
Join him in his merry quest to rid the world of monochrome and discover new dimensions of colour and style by clicking here. You can also find Mr Prints Tweeting, on Instagram, Facebook and sparking inspiration on Pinterest.