It’s my birthday today, so I HAD to make this post a little bit special, I love these Dino-might necklaces so much I had to show you all! I discovered Eclectic Eccentricity by one of my writers introducing me to this label, aw I love it so much (jewellery with stories to tell!!) and I’m so glad she showed me this link! It’s made my birthday. If you’re looking for a cute quirky little present for your friend, or anyone, click here! Items are under a £10, cheap right? Fashion Week starts tomorrow, so guys to keep updated click here. I have the Schon party tonight, I’m so excited! NO idea what to wear, I want to go in pyjamas but I doubt I’ll look right. I suggest you spend the day looking on this website, I’ve been on it two hours and I’m still noticing new jewellery.