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As spring is here and summer’s next we all have that urge to go and explore the big outdoors. Whether it’s to visit a new country you’ve never been to before or attend an exciting event. The world’s our oyster and don’t we know it. We recently discovered Hall Street, a brand new website that makes putting our next journey together a lot easier. 


Whether you are going to a festival, your best friend’s wedding or just a weekend getaway, Hall Street are here to make your trip planning experience easier, faster and a lot more funkier. HallSt is in the business of creating total travel experiences by linking events, hotels, restaurants, travellers and points of interests all on one map, so you can get a real bird’s eye view of the city. You’re able to compare and book hotel and tickets at standard or peer-to-peer rates, get directions and find out what’s happening around you. 


So if you do have that gig coming up that’s in London, HallSt will link you up with somewhere to stay, nice places to eat and affordable places to drink. You will never get lost and reading recommendations are quick and easy so you won’t end up somewhere disappointing.  They’re also the first travel community that lets you take part in the sharing economy. At HallSt you will get paid for sharing your insider tips with the rest by creating your own city or event maps. What are you waiting for? Join them!

Amelia Graham

Get the scoop on what’s nearby or click here to visit the website to see all events listed.