Please take the time to read through this page. We understand it is a bit lengthy, but it states critical information about our submissions policy and will give you the best chance of us publishing your work.
THE CLOTHES MAIDEN only takes exclusive fashion editorial, beauty stories and fashion videos. A release is required to be signed by the photographer once the editorial/fashion video is picked up. If your editorial or fashion video has been published in another publication, we will not accept it.
If you are submitting a webitorial or fashion video, you must provide a privately-hosted link containing your content. We do not accept attached documents due to file constraints. ALL WORK MUST BE EXCLUSIVE AND UNPUBLISHED. You must have a website with your work to present to us, and if we feel your style fits our publication, we will contact you within one week.
The Clothes Maiden Magazine Submissions: Fashion Editorial + Beauty
In order to be considered, all fashion editorials require 8-10 photos, with minimal repeats. Ideally, 8 different looks would be a standard editorial. You have two options to shoot your submission based on the following break down:
6 spreads, 2 horizontal shots, 8 vertical shots.
5 spreads, 2 horizontal shots, 6 vertical shots.
Beauty stories require 5 different photos, with 5 different make-up looks.
Video Submissions: Fashion Videos + Short Films
In order to be considered, videos and films must be 720p or 1080p and under 4 minutes in length, no exceptions. All videos will require The Clothes Maiden logo in the beginning and/or the end. Full team credits, music credits, etc, must be listed at the end of the video. Videos and films must be exclusive to The Clothes Maiden and unpublished.
If you would like your work to be reviewed for consideration for our online publication email: When emailing please put “PHOTOGRAPHER REVIEW” in the subject line and be sure to include a short bio as well as a link to your website where we can view your work.
The Clothes Maiden Magazine Submission Guidelines – Send all images in single JPEGs, we will not accept PDF files. Full team credits are required, with respective agencies included. – Team credits and wardrobe credits must be sent in a Word Document. We accept WeTransfer links and DropBox folders.
YOU WARRANT THAT YOUR SUBMISSIONS MEETS THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: – Is your own original work an that you have the rights to make available for purpose specified above. – Is allowed to be used in in our online fashion magazine (, marketing material, etc. – Has not been printed or published elsewhere. – Is not defamatory. – It does not infringe on any laws. – You agree to indemnify The Clothes Maiden Magazine / against all legal fees, damages, and other expenses that may be incurred by The Clothes Maiden Magazine / as a result of your breach of the above statement, and waive any moral rights in your contribution for the purpose of its submission to the publication on The Clothes Maiden Magazine / and the purposes specified on this page. The Clothes Maiden Magazine enforces a strict editing / quality control policy and due to the high amount of fashion editorial submissions we receive on a daily basis we are not always able to offer feedback unless the submission is of interest to us.