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Please tell us a bit about yourself? 
       I am a mother of two little ones, Ruby and Oscar, who keep me super busy but I manage     to sneak in drawing whenever I can. I love to have a stall at local art markets when I can, selling prints and handmade cards of my work. Meeting people who appreciate what I create is a wonderful motivator. Food and music are my other obsessions.

What inspired you to begin your artistic career? 
       I’ve always loved to draw since I was able to hold a pencil. I studied a variety of Visual and Applied Arts courses after finishing high school and ended up going in the direction of jewellery crafting, which led me to a job making bridal jewellery for almost 10 years. In 2008 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and my symptoms made creating jewellery difficult, it was time to do something else. So I began drawing again and my passion was reawakened! I’ve come along way since those first few drawings, gradually developing my style. Constant practice is key.

What do you do when you’re not using your creative brain? 
      Childrearing, trying to master healthy eating, yoga, maintaining a positive attitude, browsing Pinterest, watching some of the fantastic TV shows and movies being created at the moment.

Do you have any favourite artists out there? 
   Alphonse Mucha, Aubrey Beardsley, Friday Kahlo, Anita Inverarity, Dan Whithey, Annita Maslov, Miss Van, Ana Bagayan and Audrey Kawasaki.

Who’s your personal style icon and why?  
      Michelle Williams, she always looks effortlessly fantastic head to toe 

Do you have a favourite piece of artwork? 
      Oh so many! Really hard to pick just one so I’ll go with a favourite current piece and that is Miss Vans’ ‘Bailarinas 5’

Any exciting projects in the pipeline? 
      I am about to embark on two years of study learning to be an Art Therapist. I also have a friend who has written a wonderful children’s book which I plan to illustrate. And somewhere in there I’m going to learn how to tattoo, I have dreams of being heavily illustrated

How do you see yourself in five years time? 
      Still creating my unique big eyed characters, helping people through art therapy, raising happy children, all while keeping myself as healthy and colourful as possible. 

Click here to see the rest of Danielle’s artwork.