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Laliblue AW15: Magic Games Collection - The Clothes Maiden

Laliblue, noted for their signature accessories and fantasy jewellery recently launched its newest collection: Magic Games. In the new collection of Laliblue, inspired by different sets of optical illusion, we found pieces full of charm like necklaces, brooches, earrings and bracelets that seek to convey a nice and friendly magical effect full of vintage reminiscences. Pieces made in methacrylate and oak that bring us back memories of tales and stories from our childhood dream.


The collection is made up of three series: -Thaumatropes: Necklaces that achieve a unique effect through the movement of two images. – Shadow Play: Necklaces that reveal the secret of the famous Chinese shadows. – Place Balls: necklaces and brooches inspired in the entertaining game of putting all the balls in their respective holes. Laliblue is a fashion accessories brand whose main sources of inspiration are old toy, retro cinema, circus, music, where the use of natural materials and eco-sustainable, like wood, are a priority.

Porcia Aue

Laliblue collections can be found in the most elegant shops in Spain, and far away countries from the US, Australia to Taiwan. You can also view the pieces online here