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Welcome to the beautiful, captivating, clockwork world of Swiss musician, Dominik Huber, aka FRIEND, whose debut UK single will be released on October 22nd called, The Evening Crowns the Day. Born in Zurich, where he has helped shape the sounds of musical projects that include The Legendary Lightness, Fai Baba, Zigitros, Doomenfels and Heidi Happy, Huber spent the last couple of years piecing together his mesmerising debut solo album, crafting a unique musical portal to his enchanting world. FRIEND sings about our dreams and fears without emotion, yet with palpable empathy and disarming vision. FRIEND analyses the human condition without reprimand for our flaws and weaknesses. And without pointing a finger at our pain, FRIEND rather keeps it gently pressing against the bleeding wound.

“We all have our paralysing moments when we reach a point in our lives, feeling like we haven’t achieved anything and nothing we own is what we wanted,” explains Huber on the meaning behind the track. “It’s not easy to escape from that lonely trip, trapped in a strange dream where nobody wakes you up. But every time we look back, life wasn’t half as bad as we thought it was, was it?” The Evening Crowns the Day is one of eleven enthralling tracks to be released on FRIEND’s full album, coming soon. Those who befriend FRIEND won’t have to fear loneliness ever again.

Patrick Miller

Pre-order the new single on iTunes.