Object of Desire: U-Mask – The First Biotech Anti-Pollution Mask in the World Amelia GrahamFebruary 17, 2016516 viewsdesign0 Comments516 views Today we’re introducing our readers to the U-mask, the result of a team of biotechnology scientists, fashion designers and mask manufacturers from the USA, Italy and Switzerland. At U-earth, biotechnologies deal everyday with air pollution problem solving. The research and development team are aware of the terrible consequences of exposure to outdoor contamination on human health. Did you know that air pollution kills more people than AIDS and Malaria put together? The numbers released from the World Health Organisation in 2012 on air pollution speak very clearly: 1,78 billion people in the world are currently breathing unsafe air and 1 on 8 premature deaths are caused by air pollution. This is the main reason why U-earth biotechnologies research and development team started looking for a solution to improve face masks. Volatile Organic Compounds, viruses and bacteria and pollution from traffic are amongst the worse contaminants you are exposed. People living in urban settings should seriously consider changing their behavior in order to protect themselves from outdoor air pollution including fine dusts generated by sand storms and haze. Unfortunately, most people either are not aware of the problem, or they don’t wear a face mask because they are too embarrassed on how it may look once worn. U-earth biotechnologies, a company leader in biotechnology for air purification, has studied the problem in order to find a way to use the science of biotechnology to improve the protection level of the current available face mask technology. This is where the U-mask comes into practice. U-Ox® proprietary formula enzyme compound BIO-degrades the harmful compounds, viruses and pathogenic bacteria instead of simply filtering them. The U-Ox® bio-active layer is designed to remain active up to one year of discontinued use after opening the package. Biotech anti pollution masks contain unique ingredients to instantly improve your health and lifestyle. In order to make a face mask just as precious and good looking as a scarf, hat or gadget, U-mask has a whole set of stylish covers which can be worn on the basic face mask in order to match your personal style. To make the technology immediately accessible to everyone, U-mask can be purchased online and shipped worldwide. Don’t miss the chance to look stylish while effectively protecting your health with the first biotech mask in the world, but most of all, protect your health from air pollution. Amelia Graham U-earth is a international company based in Italy, Switzerland and the USA with the mission of making the world a better place by developing the inventions of Dr. Sam Sofer PhD PE, autor of numerous scientific publications on the use of biotechnologies for environmental, medical and energy applications. Click here to visit the website to view all masks available.
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