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piers atkinson - the clothes maiden

Piers Atkinson proves that creativity holds no barriers with another collection of unique and beautiful headwear. No, seriously, we’re in our element right now over the A/W’11 collection. The former costume designer’s inspiration for this collection is Paris from their cafe’s of dark hues to show girls galore. The inspiration is evident as well as Piers Atkinson‘s talent, you can expect only the best and extraordinary from this designer. 

piers-atkinson-aw11-colection-- the clothes maiden

Piers Atkinson has worn nearly as many hats as he’s made. Artist, illustrator, milliner, costume designer, party organiser, fashion editor and now DJ! – his creative energies only seem to be matched by an insatiable curiosity. He grew up in Norfolk with three generations of women – his mother, the theatrical milliner Hilary Elliott, at whose knee he learned hat-making; his sister Lucy, the long-suffering photographic model for his teenage reconstructions of Grace Jones and Art of Noise record covers; and his grandmother, the artist, writer, horticulturalist and illustrator Lesley Gordon, from whom he took his multi-disciplinary cue.


Melanie Stockman

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