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Up north our winters are long and cold and sometimes it seems like an eternity before summer and surf arrive. While we look forward to riding the next wave and catching the next glimpse of the sun our search for new ways to make waiting pleasant continues. ‘Lazy Sea Lazy Me’ is about checking the surf and accepting that there are absolutely no waves at all.
The collection draws inspiration from the art of leaving the beach and allowing yourself to return to the couch, find the remote control, order fast food and surrendering to complete laziness. Make waiting pleasant means enjoying the moments that take us where we want to be in our case, going surfing while living away from the beach brings about a lot of waiting to go surfing. Riding waves is moved out of focus and lifestyle becomes the sport. Clothes become our tool when we become artisans, who practice the art of making waiting pleasant.
Bailey Moss
Click here to visit Pleasant online.
Photography: Rasmus Luckmann
Art Direction: Rasmus Boesen & Marc Berliner
Models: Frederik Vejs & Eva Christensen