A good pair of waterproof boots is an absolute must for our inclement weather. Wellington boots are available in every style and colour imaginable, but if you happen to be a plus sized woman, shopping for wellies can be a big frustration. High street shops often have a limited selection of true wide calf rain boots and online shopping can be a bit hit or miss. To help you along, we have put together a list of some of the best places to shop for wide calf rain boots along with some tips to make sure you find a pair that fit your calves perfectly.
Firstly, take a measuring tape to measure both your calves to make sure you know what size of boots you are looking for. If one of your calves is bigger than the other, use the biggest reading as your calf size.
Check to see what width category you fall into –
- Up 15 inches = normal calf size.
- 15 inches to 17 inches = wide calf size
- 17 inches to 19 inches = extra wide calf size
- 19 inches to 21 inches = Super wide calf size
- 21 inches and above = super wide plus calf size.
It is important to know that calf sizes are based on a woman of average height which is determined as being 5 feet 7 inches. A plus sized woman of below average height, say 5 feet 4 inches should select a calf-size larger than their measurements would suggest because her calves will naturally sit in the lower, narrower part of the boot. Therefore, a woman 5 feet 4 inches with a calf size of 19 inches, should select a boot with a calf fitting of 21 inches.
3 Places to Shop for Wide Calf Rain Boots
Features a selection of wide and extra wide calf rain boots from Jileon, Spylovebuy and Chooka. In sizes 15 inches to 21 inches.
Plenty of Stylish options to choose from at WideWidths, some of which are available right up to super plus sizes.
Online fashion giant Nordsrom have extended the range of rain boots to include wide calf variations in populars brands like Hunter.
Avery Parker