The Harbinger Company: Nice to the Eyes, Friendly to the Environment Evie SwitzerMay 5, 20153 viewsFashion0 Comments3 views The Harbinger Company specialise in designing and making extraordinary pieces of jewellery with ordinary materials. The brand strive to recreate everyday objects into classic treasures—pieces that feel good to the hands, nice to the eyes, and friendly to the environment. The Harbinger Company uses a mix of technology and old-school craft. Every design is hand drawn in conceptual phase, drafted on the computer, sent to the lasercutter, hand-assembled by the designer, and then boxed in locally printed packaging. The final result: a clean and well-crafted piece of art from them to you. All The Harbinger Company products are designed, made, and packaged in Southern California. The brand strive to keep production as local as possible to support neighbourhood businesses and the local economy, and to minimise carbon emissions from freight. “Sustainability”: A trendy and over-used word these days, but nonetheless a worthy goal for any ethical business. The Harbinger Company strives to use materials that are renewable, recyclable, biodegradable, and/or as close to their organic state as possible. Evie Switzer Click here to visit The Harbinger Company website.
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