Summer, sun, sunburn? It doesn’t have to be. The expert dermatologists and therapists at Grand Resort Bad Ragaz – the renowned destination wellness resort in the Swiss mountains – have seen it all.
How Long in the Sun?
“We are good at underestimating‘, warns Bollinger. She advises a little-by-little approach, especially at first: ‘start with just a few minutes and avoid the midday sun at all costs”
Avoid redness
Anne-Cathrin Löffler recommends ‘never leaving the house without sun protection. Our skin has its own protection, but this only works for a short time – between 10 and 30 minutes according to your skin type.” The darker the skin, the likelihood of longer inbuilt protection.
Avoid damage
Sunburned? What to do
“Sunburn can’t be undone, but at least the symptoms can be alleviated” says Bollinger. The dermatologist’s rule of thumb is this: If the skin starts to redden, get out of the sun immediately. Take cool showers. Moist compresses and soothing after-sun products can help.