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Millions of customers can now enjoy the exclusive world of high fashion thanks to a new online bag subscription service, that allows women to access luxury bags on demand. Bags from exclusive designers, previously only available to the wealthiest 1% of consumers, can now be experienced as part of a subscription service for a fraction of their retail price.

For a monthly subscription of £149, Uncloset enables fashion conscious consumers to gain access to luxury handbags worth up to £4,000 from exclusive designers such as Prada, Louis Vuitton and Chanel.  Rather than spending thousands of pounds on a single bag, the subscription service enables women to choose from a huge range of designer handbags, meaning that they will always be able to keep up with changing trends.  With new bag designs added to the site every week, the site offers women incredible choice and variety.


Bags are delivered in secure, luxury packaging direct to the customer from Uncloset’s distribution centre, and the first bag arrives within 24 hours of signing up, which they can use and enjoy as their own, and simply swap for another as soon as they tire of it. Whenever a glamorous figure from the world of fashion is spotted with a luxury handbag, retailers are quick to attempt to mimic the bag with their own similar designs; however Uncloset unlocks the wardrobe door to the genuine article, enabling women to instantly become the envy of their friends and experience true luxury.

“Spending thousands of pounds on a designer handbag that might be out of date within a few months is a complete impossibility for the vast majority of people but by turning luxury fashion into luxury on demand, we are making the world of high fashion accessible to more people than ever before. Instead of a cheap imitation, now you can experience the real thing, but not have to worry about maxing out the cost per wear” said Rui Rapazote, CMO and co-founder of Uncloset. UK consumers spend almost £1.5bn a year on handbags, and more than half of UK women buy at least one new bag every year. A recent online poll found that given the choice between a new handbag, a new pair of shoes or a new item of jewellery, more than half would choose a handbag.

Amelia Graham

Subscribers can sign up to be among the first to use the service. The first one hundred customers will gain exclusive access to a reduced subscription rate of £99 for their first month. Click here to visit the website.